Are you experiencing issues with Jeremy's Razors Natural Deodorant? Here is some helpful insight into our product:
If you’re new to an aluminum-free deodorant, your body may go through a detox period for some time before the natural deodorant starts to work effectively. Additionally, if you find that the deodorant worked great initially but now is not as effective, know that this is very common for some people who use natural deodorant as your natural biome begins to stabilize once you’ve discontinued the use of an antiperspirant.
Suggestion: You can change the scent, or you can switch deodorants to maintain freshness throughout the day and then return to this product in intervals.
Some other reasons your natural deodorant may not be working as desired can be the following:
- Stress can increase your sweat production
- A diet of highly processed foods such as red meat and spicy foods can cause you to sweat more than usual
- Hormonal changes can cause more sweating
- Non-breathable clothing can increase sweat production