Thank you for ordering from us! With your support, we have opened our new Fulfillment Center and an improved delivery system to get your woke-free products to you in a timely manner.
We use DHL as one of our carriers. DHL has an agreement with the United States Postal Service that we call “the final mile.” This is where DHL drops off the package to USPS and then the USPS delivers it “the final mile” to your house.
There are some times when your package does not get scanned into the system at the USPS drop point and therefore it looks like your product has not advanced toward delivery.
If you haven’t already, please see if there is an additional USPS tracking number. Here’s how to find this:
- Navigate to your DHL Tracking page
- Click Details
- Find the USPS tracking link in red
- Clicking on it will open a new USPS tracking page where you may see additional information about the delivery time for your package
As with many deliveries, your package may take a few extra days once it is delivered to USPS, so please keep an eye out for your package to arrive shortly. If it doesn’t arrive within 1-2 days of the USPS drop off shown from the DHL tracking number, please submit a support ticket and we can look into it further for you.